Directorate of Place
 West Offices
 Station Rise
 YO1 6GA
 Ref: Annual Review 
 Date: 10th November 2023











Dear Resident/Occupier,


Proposed amendments to the Traffic Regulation Order -


It is proposed to introduce or amend traffic restrictions near to your property as described in the ‘Notice of Proposal’ attached and as set out in the accompanying plan.  Should you require any further information in regard to this proposal then please contact:


Your enquiry will be forwarded to the officer dealing with this issue.


I do hope you are able to support the proposals, but should you wish to make representation in support or objection then please write, providing the location and your grounds for objection to the Director of Place at the address shown on the Notice or to the e-mail address above, to arrive no later than 1st December as specified in the Notice.



Yours faithfully



Traffic Management



Enc: Notice of Proposals





                                           CITY OF YORK COUNCILNOTICE OF PROPOSALS



Notice is hereby given that City of York Council, in exercise of powers under Sections 1, 2, 4, 32, 35, 45, 46, 53 and Schedule 9 of the Road Traffic Regulation Act, 1984 ("the Act") and of all other enabling powers and after consultation with the Chief Officer of Police in accordance with Schedule 9 of the Act, proposes to make an Order which will have the effect of:

1.             Introducing ‘No Waiting at any time’ restrictions in York as follows:

(a)          Ashville Street, on both sides, between 1 metre east of the projected eastern kerbline of the alleyway access between Kitchener Street and Ashville Street and 1 metre west of the projected western kerbline of the alleyway access between Kitchener Street and Ashville Street,

(b)          Burnholme Drive, on its south west side, between points 12 metres north and 12 metres south from the projected centreline of Woodside Avenue,

(c)          Eighth Avenue, on both sides:

(i)                   from the southern kerbline of Fourth Avenue south for 15 metres,

(ii)                 from the north kerbline of Fifth Avenue north for 15 metres

(d)          Fifth Avenue, on its north side, between points 15 metres east and 15 metres west from the projected centreline of Eighth Avenue,

(e)          Fourth Avenue, on its south side, between points 15 metres east and 15 metres west from the projected centreline of Eighth Avenue,

(f)           Kitchener Street, on its:

(i)                   south side, between 1 metre east of the projected eastern kerbline of the alleyway access between Kitchener Street and Ashville Street and 1 metre west of the projected western kerbline of the alleyway access between Kitchener Street and Ashville Street,

(ii)                 north west side, between points 5 metres (terminal point of existing ‘No Waiting at any time’ restrictions) and 14 metres from the western kerbline at its cul-de-sac end,

(g)          Oakville Street, on both sides, between 1 metre east of the projected eastern kerbline of the alleyway access between Oakville Street and Ashville Street and 1 metre west of the projected western kerbline of the alleyway access between Oakville Street and Ashville Street,

(h)          Seymour Grove, on both sides, from the projected soth eastern kerbline of Stockton Lane south east for 12 metres,

(i)            Stockton Lane on its:

(i)           south east side, from the projected northern property boundary line of No. 14 Stockton Lane to a point 47.5 metres south west from the projected south western kerbline of Seymour Grove,

(ii)         north west side, from the projected northern property boundary line of No. 14 Stockton Lane to a point 16 metres south west from the projected south western kerbline of Seymour Grove,

(j)            Turner Close, south east side and the north eastern turning head, from the projected south western property boundary line of No. 28 Turner Close north east for the remainder of its length and including the whole of the north eastern end, thereby revoking the existing ‘No Waiting Monday to Friday 10am–4pm’ restrictions from within that length,

(k)          Woodside Avenue, on both sides, from the projected western kerbline of Burnholme Drive south west for 12 metres,


2.             Introducing ‘No Waiting from 8am-9am and 3pm-4pm Monday to Friday’ restrictions in Darnbrook Walk, on its:

(a)          north side, from a point 27 metres east from the projected eastern kerbline of Penyghent Avenue east for the remainder of its length,

(b)          south side, from a point 35 metres east from the projected eastern kerbline of Penyghent Avenue east for the remainder of its length,


A copy of the draft Order, Statement of Reasons for making it and relevant maps can be inspected at the Reception, West Offices, Station Rise, York, during normal business hours.  Objections or other representations specifying reasons for the objection or representation should be sent to me in writing to arrive no later than 1st December 2023.

Dated: 10th November 2023     Director of Place

                                                  Network Management, West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA
